Rocks & the FAST Rock planner

Scenario: you’ve had your Quarterly Planning Session and now it’s time to set some Rocks. Luckily we’ve got you covered with the FAST Rock planner. FAST stands for Frequently reviewed, Ambitious, Specific, and Transparent. Try to plan your rocks keeping these four characteristics in mind. In this short article, we’ll walk you through our FAST Rock planner step by step. Let’s Rock!

  1. First of all, go to your personal dashboard by signing in via the following link:

  1. Hover over to the “My Rocks” section by scrolling down and clicking the plus icon that’s on the top right of that section, or click on “Add a Rock”. This will direct you to the FAST Rock planner. 

  1. Fill out your FAST Rock planner. Give the Rock a title, owner, and a due date. You can also add it to one or more of your team meetings if you like too. 

  1. Scroll down to go into a little more detail about your Rock. Describe it and explain why it can be Freqeuntly Reviewed, and why it is Ambitious, Specific and Transparent (FAST). Also, note for yourself and your team why this Rock is important. Now everyone understands the reasoning behind creating this Rock. 

  1. Then, add your Rock Steps. Rocks are longer-term goals that are made out of smaller steps in order to complete them. Think about all the steps you need to address and the deadlines for doing so here. 

  1. Last but not least, scroll down once more to fill in the resources that you require to complete this Rock. This can be anything from the help of your colleagues up to team’s decisions that guide your Rock! 

Good to know: 

  • The Rocks require at least one Rock step to be affiliated with it before you can create and save your Rock.

  • The percentage of completion is calculated by dividing the number of Rock Steps that are completed by the total number of Rock Steps.

  • At the bottom of every FAST Rock planner are some extra handy tips for you and your team, scroll down and discover them now.