Strategic Vision and Execution Plan (SVEP)

The Strategic Plan in the App is interactive and editable. By hovering over each field, you will see text boxes appear, even in space that is seemingly just whitespace. By clicking into these whitespaces, you can start typing. Examples of that are fields named: 

  • Purpose: Why we exist?
  • Pinnacle: The top of our mountain
  • Behaviors
  • Scoreboard Design
  • One Line Marketing Phrase

Notice how tables are also editable, both titles and the user input. Again, by clicking into the empty field, you will be able to add input. Tables in the Strategic plan are:

  • Milestones (3-5 years)
  • Goals (1 year)
  • Quarterly Execution
  • Quarterly theme

Even the bulleted and numbered lists under some of the headings are both editable and additive. Meaning, you can add as many bullet points as you want. “Add Core Value” under “Core Values/Principles” or simply “Add” under “Strengths/Core competencies” or “Brand promises” will add another bullet point or number.

Finally, Rocks and Topics are both editable but also, interactive. You can create a new Topic or Rock, but in case of Rocks, you can also add existing Rocks from a Meeting. Upon creating a Topic, that Topic can be moved to a Meeting right from the Strategic Plan.

All items that can be added, can also be deleted by hovering over them and clicking on the trash can symbol that appears. 

Last but not least, The Strategic Plan can be exported as a PDF and printed out by clicking the “Export PDF” button at the top right of the page.