Functional Accountability Chart

  1. On the Home screen, click People>Functional Accountability Chart
  2. On the left, under Functions you can edit the Functions that have been pre-set for convenience. If you fill out all fields, a new one will automatically be created.
  3. Under Person Accountable, type in the name of the person that holds the function.
  4. Under KPIs, enter the KPIs for that function/person. You can add as many as you like by clicking on the red “Plus” button. You can delete them by clicking the X button.
  5. Under Result/Outcomes, edit each field by clicking on it.
  6. You can export the Chart as a PDF by clicking “Export PDF” in the top right corner.
  7. Please note that only an Admin can edit the Functional Accountability Chart, and only Admins and Supervisors can view it.