Check out and conclude meeting

  1. Top of the screen holds the unfinished Action Items for this week. You click on any of them to review or edit.
  2. Based on final decisions, you can create an Action Item right from this screen by clicking the “Create an Action Item" button.
  3. You can rate your Meeting on a scale of 1 to 6.
  4. Choose who gets the email summary in the dropdown menu under “Concluding actions”
  5. Choose whether you want to Archive completed Action Items, Customer Voice and Team Engagements, or keep them for a future meeting. Toggle each button on the right to choose for each of these items.
  6. Finally, click the red “Conclude Meeting” button. 

*Note: It is crucial to click the "Conclude meeting" button, because otherwise, the meeting will just run forever which throws off the meeting timing, as well as not allowing the User to start another instance of the Meeting because the previous one is running.