Creating meetings

In the App, there are two ways to initiate Meeting creation. You can either click on the plus button on the top right side of the home page or click "Create a meeting" on the meetings page. Both options will take you to a menu that this article will explain in a few simple steps. 

Once you have the Create meeting menu screen up, you have the option to fill in all the relevant data. Please be reminded that you can edit anything you enter later on.

  • “Who is attending” - Pick people from the dropdown or start typing their names. If you begin typing the email address of a person who is not a User yet, the App will offer an automatic invitation and add the newly created User.
  • “What’s the meeting title?” - Provide your preferred meeting name. 
  • “Which agenda would you like to use?" - You can choose between the three pre-existing agenda templates available. These are tailored to the Pinnacle system and will pre-populate the agenda for you, although the App does offer fully customizable agendas. You can add, delete, and change every section to suit your needs for both options.
  • “When do you want to meet” and “How often” -  Schedule the first meeting date and then choose the cadence for the subsequent meetings. Note that your cadence is automatically set to match the Agenda, but you can change that to suit your needs if you wish.
  • “Start time” and “End time” - Choose your meeting start and end times, and thus, the duration. 
  • “Paste your video conference link” - Add a link from your video conference software such as Zoom, Google Meet, etc.

After you are finished setting everything up, click “Create meeting” at the bottom right of the menu. You will be taken into your meeting so you can start adding data to your meeting sections.