Scoreboards and Scorecards explained

Scoreboards and Scorecards are the place where you and your fellow meeting attendants check in about your key metrics. By touching upon your wins, losses, and passes, you can identify Topics and Action Items. Read this article for an in-depth explanation of Scoreboards and Scorecards. 

1. To create a Scoreboard, navigate to the meeting you wish to create a Scoreboard in. In your meeting agenda, move to the Scoreboard agenda section. Then, click the red “+” button on the far right or click "Add a Scoreboard". 

2. You can create a new Scoreboard, or add an existing one from another Meeting. Alternatively, you can upload a Scoreboard using a .csv file. The .csv file for a Scoreboard must be formatted properly, or it will not be uploaded by the system. To check out proper formatting, please download the Scoreboard template using this link. You can also find the formatting guidelines at the bottom of the upload page. 

3. When creating a new Scoreboard from scratch, first type in the Scoreboard title. From here, you have a number of options:

  • Frequency of the Scoreboard: weekly or monthly
  • Goal type: is this goal expressed in a number or in text? 
  • Goal direction: whether the goal should be greater than a certain number, equal to it, less than, etc.
  • Unit: how will you be measuring the goal? For example in dollars.

4. Afterwards, select the person that is accountable for the Scoreboard in the dropdown menu. Also, assign the Scoreboard to one or more meetings, which you can choose from the dropdown. 

5. Finally, you can check “Set Acceptable Goal” and type in a satisfactory number that won’t be counted as a victory, but it will be marked as a “Pass” on the Scoreboard.

6. If you choose to show advanced fields, you can opt to calculate the average and the cumulative figures for a chosen date range. Check the checkbox and choose the date range to activate this option. Besides, you can share access with another team member chosen from the dropdown.

7. Type in the current data in the scoreboard where it says “Actual”. Depending on the performance, you will get a “Won”, “Lost” or “Pass” message on the board. “Pass” means that the acceptable goal has been reached, but the actual goal has not.

8. For more detailed information, switch the Scoreboard view to the Scorecard view. This is done by clicking the “3 lines and dots” symbol at the top right of the Scoreboard. You can always switch it back by using the same button in the Scorecard view.

9. Set the level of detail for your Scorecard by clicking on the button with the 3 vertical dots on the far right and toggling options on or off. Let’s turn everything on for this exercise.

10. You can view all of your advanced options based on the data points you entered on the right. Click on the data fields themselves to edit them, and click on the scorecard on the left to edit all of the options. You can change the zoom level of the scorecard only if you wish, to give you more visibility for the data on the right.

Your wins are shown as a hard check symbol, the losses are simply gray while meeting acceptable goals (“Pass” on the Scoreboards) is marked by a semi-green, semi grey “half-moon”.

11. You can archive Scorecards or Scoreboards by opening the one you wish to archive and then clicking the Archive button on the top right.

12. Do not forget to “Save and Close” your Scoreboard/Scorecard after editing its options. The changes you made will otherwise be lost. To save input data within the Scorecards and Scoreboards, simply click away after entering it, or press Enter.

13. All of our items share a common functionality: the ability to pull out Topics and Action Items automatically.
Click the “Folder” button to create an Action Item based on your Scoreboard and/or Scorecard. You only need to populate the Title field and edit the other fields if you wish. Everything else is automatically filled out for the Action Item to be created: the person responsible, the corresponding team Meeting, the Due Date, and the notes. Click “Create” to finish off Action Item creation.

14. Similarly, click the “Triangle” button to create a Topic based on the Scorecard and/or Scoreboard. For Topics, the Topic title is also populated automatically, as well as all the other details. Click “Create” to finish off the Topic creation.