Customer Voice

  1. Create a Customer Voice by clicking the red “+” button on the top right of the main panel, or from the global creation menu, the bigger red “+” button at the very top right of the screen.
  2. Type in the Title, pick an owner and pick a team Meeting to assign to. Optionally, pick a Meeting to share it with.
  3. Add notes below. You can use all of the formatting tools, file uploading, and chat.
  4. Click the red “Create” button in the bottom right corner.
  5. To Archive, the Customer Voice, click the 3 dots on the right and choose “Archive”.
  6. Click the “Folder” button to create an Action Item based on your Customer Voice. You only need to populate the Title field and edit the other fields if you wish. Everything else is automatically prepared for the Action Item to be created: the person responsible, the team Meeting it relates to, the Due Date, and the notes. Click “Create” to finish off Action Item creation.
  7. Click the “Triangle” symbol to pull a Topic out of the Customer Voice. All the fields will be pre-populated and ready, although you can edit every one.