Action Items

  1. Create an Action Item by clicking on the red “+” button, or via the global shortcut for creation, the white “+” button at the top right of the screen.
  2. Type in the Title, choose the person responsible for the Action Item, and the Due date. Optionally, add it to one or more team Meetings. By default, the Action Item is added to the current team Meeting.
  3. Add notes below. You can use all of the formatting tools, file uploading, and chat.
  4. Click the red “Create” button in the bottom right corner.
  5. If your Action Item Due date is before the Meeting date, the date will turn red and there will be a “Late” mark for it. If there is a newly created Action Item for the meeting, there will be a “New” mark. 
  6. To check the Action Item off as done, click the check box to the left of the Action Item title.
  7. To Archive, the Action Item, click the 3 dots on the right and choose “Archive”,
  8. Click the Triangle symbol to pull a Topic out of the Action Item. All the fields will be pre-populated and ready, although you can edit every one.