Meeting options: workspace & archives

  1. The Workspace holds all of the features of the meeting in a compact, easy to view, and easy to edit page. It is the ideal platform for preparing the future meeting, editing all the measurables, adding or deleting info, and having a top-level overview of the Meeting contents.
  2. From the Home screen, click on Meetings, then click on the “Workspace” button for the meeting you want to edit or view. 
  3. Your Action Items, Scoreboards, Scorecards, Rocks, Team Engagement, Customer Voice, Topics and Collaborative notes are all in here. You can overview all of them and edit data in each of them, as well as create new items in every category.
  4. To create new items, click the red “+” button on the right side of the screen and the respective item creation screen will pop up.
  5. You can also create all items from the main “+” button at the very top right corner of the screen.
  6. It is possible to go directly into the meeting by clicking the red “Go to meeting” button on the top right corner.
  7. Quickly move into Meeting Archives by clicking the three dots on the top right corner and choosing Archives.
  8. Meeting Archives are also easily accessible from the Meeting page, by clicking the three dots on the right and choosing Meeting Archives.
  9. From that same screen, it is possible to export the agenda template, access Meeting Settings, and the aforementioned Meeting Archives, to Archive the meeting itself, and move directly to edit or view the Meeting.
  10. In the Meeting Archives, you will find all of the Archived items throughout the Meeting history. All of the archived Scoreboards, Rocks, Action Items, Team Engagements, Customer Voice, Topics, and Notes that have ever belonged to the Meeting in question, and have been archived, are in these Archives.
  11. Click on the item in question to restore it, or if possible, click on the restore symbol directly. The item will now be back in the meeting and waiting for you.