View profile

  1. From the Home screen, click your name and then View Profile.
  2. Fill in your personal info- First name, Last name, and phone number. 
  3. Upload a photo from the menu on the right.
  4. Choose the Notifications options. You can toggle Action Item email reminders on or off with the sliding button. You can choose the Time to send the Action Item email, and the frequency( Daily, Every other day, Every three days, Weekly). Click Save once you are finished.
  5. In the email preferences section, choose what emails you want to receive. Toggle Meeting summary emails with the check box, and pick which meetings you want to receive email summaries from.
  6. Below that, opt-in or out from our Training, Seasonal, and Feature and Update emails. Click Save once you’re done.
  7. In the Account settings section, choose your Time zone, Date format, Time format, and Number format. Click Save once you’re done.
  8. If you wish to change your password, you can do it in the Password section. Change your password as per instructions, then click Save.